Non-Probus Events

Shown below are some of the non-probus events that may be of interest.  Most involve our own members as part of other groups and societies and are very well worth attending.

Click a picture to see the poster in more detail - if one is available -  and be able to print or download it for yourself.


Chris Searle, Tim Roberts or Mike Taylor for more details

St Georges Singers

After 35 years the St. Georges Singers have decided to stop singing.  This is because George, our MD, is about to reach the grand age of 90 and we would also be losing some of our members.

Therefore, we are going to have a “Swansong” on Saturday March 8th at 4.00 pm in St. James Church, Pokesdown.  We will be singing a program of our favourite songs and no doubt there will be refreshments - more details will be shown here when known.

Of course it will be an emotional occasion  as we say thanks to each other and a big thank you to George for being our MD for the last 35 years.